FIGS Programs
Mobile Food Pantry
We provide a 3-5 day supply of healthy, fresh food to low-income residents of Stanislaus County. Eligible clients may receive services once per month.
This is a mobile program, taking our pantry to sites throughout the county.
Click here to view our schedule and text the word MOBILE to (209) 309-1705 to receive weekly reminders and updates to the distribution schedule.
Clients will be asked to provide photo ID (does not have to be government issued), proof of address, and proof of income, however no one will be turned away if they are unable to produce documentation on their first visit.

Homebound Delivery
Homebound, ambulatory seniors or otherwise disabled individuals may be eligible to receive a 5 day supply of food staples delivered to their homes each month. Call Naomi at (209)572-3117, extension 102 or email to learn more or apply.
First through Fourth Wednesday / Clients must submit an application

Food Coalition
Churches, congregations, schools or organizations with a tax-exempt status may be eligible to receive food to share with their clients. Contact for applications and info.
M—F 8:30 AM—12:30 PM
Organizations must submit an application, tax ID number, and Certificate of Liability Insurance.

Mobile Clothes Closet
Clients receive up to 20 items of clothes per member of household present, up to once per month
Second Friday of the month from 9-11 am at the Modesto Gospel Mission, 120 Kerr Avenue, Modesto.
Clients will be asked to self-identify as low income and provide a form of identification.
We will continue to add sites and distribution events.

The Food Initiative
210 S. Sierra Ave, Suite 206 | Oakdale, CA 95361
(209) 572-3117