Businesses or Community members who donate money, food, goods or services on a large scale. Our literal bread and butter.
SCAN Health Plan
Boyett Petroleum
Trader Joe’s
Bimbo Breads
Kaiser Permanente
Save Mart
Farmington Fresh
Aguilar Farms
LA Tortilla Factory
Final Cut Media
Children’s Garden
Morgan Stanley
Oak Valley Community Bank
Teichert Foundation
Once Upon a Child
Plato’s Closet
Kaiser Permanente
Ratto Bros.
Del Monte
Valley First Credit Union
The Century
JCD Atmospheric Studios, Inc
Grocery Outlet
Stanislaus Foods
Alfred Matthews
World Class Distribution, Inc.
CB Merchant Services
Union Bank
Esco Technologies
Community Partners
Organizations with whom we regularly share goods or services on a mutual basis.
Gospel Mission
United Way of Stanislaus County
Hungry International Network
Stanislaus County Workforce Development
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Senior Service America
Focus on Intervention
One Church
Parent Resource Center
Big Valley Grace
Imperial Western Products
Salvation Army
Community Hospice
Central Catholic High School
Girl Scouts
John & Janice Humble
Love Modesto
Stanislaus Community Foundation
Congregation Partners
Congregations and churches who support us financially and with whom we share services.
Annunciation Greek Orthodox
Baptist Temple
Bethany Missionary Baptist
Break the Bread Faith of Life
Calvary Baptist
Calvary Lutheran Modesto
Calvary Temple
Carpenter House
Centenary United Methodist
Central Seventh Day Adventist
Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints
Church of the Brethren Modesto
Church of the Brethren Empire
Church of the Cross
College Ave Congregational
Congregation Beth Shalom
Emanuel Lutheran
Enclave Community Church (Turlock)
First Baptist
First Christian
First Christian Reformed
First Church of the Nazarene
First CME Modesto
First Congregational
First Southern Baptist
First United Methodist Ceres
First United Methodist Modesto
Free Methodist
Geneva Presbyterian
Grace Lutheran
Grace Worship Center
Harvest Presbyterian Church
Hilmar Calvary First Assembly
Lake Don Pedro Baptist
Maze Boulevard Christian
One Church Bethel
One Church Crossroads
One Church, St. John’s Chapel of the Valley
One Church, Ripon
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic
Progressive Missionary Baptist
Revival Center
Richland Faith Assembly of God
Rock Church
Second Baptist
Solidarity Fellowship
Sovereign Grace Baptist
St. Joseph’s Catholic
St. Paul’s Episcopal
St. Stanislaus Catholic
St. Vincent de Paul (Ceres)
The House – Modesto
Trinity Baptist
Trinity Church of the Nazarene
Trinity Presbyterian
Trinity United Presbyterian
Turlock Holy Ground Ministry
Turning Point
Turtle Dove
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Stanislaus
Valley Christian
Victory Christian
Victory Christian (Hilmar)
Victory in Praise
Village Chapel Church
Wellspring Anglican Church
Coalition Members
Congregations, schools, or organizations who receive food or clothing from us to share with their congregants, students or clients at no cost.
St. Joseph’s
Teen Challenge
Lake Don Pedro
St. Jude Church
St. Stanislaus
New Beginning
Solidarity Fellowship
United Samaritans Foundation
Rock Church
El Concilio
Turning Point Community Programs
Lunches or Moore
Apostolic Assembly
Modesto 7th Day Adventist Church
Enclave Community Church
The Father’s House
Westside Food Pantry
Nineveh Outreach
Parent Resource Center
Children’s Crisis Center
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Victory Love Center/Modesto Love Center
The Carpenter’s House
Big Valley
St. Paul’s Missionary Baptist
Riverbank Christian Food Sharing
Valley Recovery Resources
Fit Ministries
Mannafest, Inc.
Family Christian Church
First Southern Baptist Church
Livingston 7th Day Adventist Church
Victory Christian Church
Creative Alternatives
Iglesias Communitarian Cristiana Emanuel
Patterson Westside Pantry
Children’s Crisis Center
Christian Challenge
Above & Beyond Greenly Hill
Riverbank Christian Food Sharing
Schools With Pantry Programs
Schools who receive food or clothing from us to share with their students at no cost.
Bret Harte School
Kirschen Elementry
Franklin School
Mark Twain Middle School
Shackleford School
Henshaw Middle School
Partner for Healthy Chicken
El Vista School
Fairview School
Orville Wright School
Robertson Road School
Thomas Downey High School
Riverbank Christian Food Sharing

The Food Initiative
210 S. Sierra Ave, Suite 206 | Oakdale, CA 95361
(209) 572-3117