We were founded when several congregations across many faiths came together under the banner of service and the belief that we can do better together. Today, we are committed to working in partnership with congregations throughout Stanislaus County. Many congregations support us financially, as part of an offering or as an item in the missions budget, and in other hands-on ways. In turn, as we say, “we are your congregation’s food pantry”, which means that you can send your community members to us when they’re in need, whether it’s food, clothing, or household items. We can provide speakers for events, barrels for food and clothing drives, and youth service opportunities. We are always looking for ways to support one another. If you’re interested in exploring becoming a partner congregation, please get in touch! If you’re interested in hosting a Mobile Pantry Site or clothes closet, please fill out the form at this link.
Partnership Opportunities
We could be your congration’s food pantry, clothes closet, and more. Whether you distribute food and need an additional source on a regular basis, or you need someone to help you feed your sheep, there are many ways you can benefit from becoming a partner congregation or organization.

The Food Initiative
210 S. Sierra Ave, Suite 206 | Oakdale, CA 95361
(209) 572-3117